MYSTIC MAG: Discovering Inner Peace — Dean Sluyter's Journey into Natural Meditation
TRICYCLE: Going Up? Sublime Wisdom in Colson Whitehead's 'The Intuitionist'
TRICYCLE: And He Sat: Dr. Seuss on the Sublime Virtue of Meditation
TRICYCLE: Clear Light, High Society: Sublime Ethics in Virginia Woolf's 'Mrs. Dalloway'
TRICYCLE: Coming Unscrooged: Sublime Generosity in Charles Dickens's 'A Christmas Carol'
TRICYCLE: Of the Beginning of the Beginning of the Beginning: Revisiting the Beatles 'Revolver'
L.A. YOGA: Shakespeare, the Buddha, and the Cat in the Hat Walk into a Bar
TRICYCLE: Finding Nirvana in the Classics
TRICYCLE: Dharma Lessons from The Catcher in the Rye's Holden Caulfield
OPRAH.COM: This Simple Exercise Can Guide You through Your Hardest Times
O, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE: Why an Entire Car Dealership Started Meditating
WISDOM MAGAZINE: Inner Holidays in the Age of Thugs
CONSCIOUS LIFESTYLE: Connecting with the Wisdom of Your Heart
MONTCLAIR PATCH: Best-Selling Author to Promote User-Friendly Meditation
L. A. YOGA: Remembering Jeremy Tarcher
O, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE: 5 One-Minute Meditations
TRICYCLE: On the Voices in Your Head ('Inside Out' Review)
L. A. YOGA: Natural Meditation Review
BELIEFNET: 5 Tips for Effortless Meditation
PREVENTION MAGAZINE: 8 Simple Meditations That Can Change Your Life
THE MINDFUL WORD: Don't Give Thoughts a Second Thought
PREVENTION MAGAZINE: 100 Ways to Change Your Life in 10 Minutes or Less
NEW YORK MAGAZINE: 14 Things to Know About TM
TRICYCLE: In-Body Experience ('Gesture of Awareness' Review)
TRICYCLE: Inaction Film ('49 Up' Review)
TRICYCLE: Hair on Fire (The Films of Ellen Bruno)
TRICYCLE: The Shadow Knows ('Kagemusha' Review)
NEW YORK TIMES: Enlightenment's Greatest Hits ('Why the Chicken' Review)

No, Don Draper's Last Word Was Not Woo-Woo
Meditation Myth #3: 'I Need a Mantra'
Meditation Myth #2: 'It's Too Noisy'
Meditation Myth #1: 'I'm Not the Type'
Arriving at 'The Beatles Ashram' ... 44 Years Late
Meditating with the iPhone Zero
We Are the Groundhog: Howard Ramis's Finest Moment
John Goodman, Lord Ganesh, and the Hub of the Universe
Backup Singers and the Divided Soul
Emily Dickinson and the Buddha vs. the WWF
It's Official: Nobody's Cool (Kerouac Posthumously Blows It)